Prof Laura Kolbe, Professor of European History, University of
MARITAL STATUS: Spouse Thomas Forss, LL.M.B.Sc.(Econ) Children: Johannes (1987),
PRIVATE ADDRESS: Meritullinkatu 20A6 00170 Helsinki Finland E-mail:
EDUCATION: Student in 1977, Helsingin II Normaalikoulu Master of Arts in Ph.D. in 1988,
Present function:
2006- Historian, Professor of European History, at the Department of History,
Previous functions:
1982-1987 Historiographer for the Kulosaaren Kotiseutusäätio 1984-1992 Curator for the 1988-1990 Planner for the jubilee exhibition in connection with the 75th anniversary of 1980-1993 Lecturer at the 1994- Docent of history at the 1994-2005 Senior lecturer at the 1996-2000 Adviser of Mrs Eeva Ahtisaari, wife of the President of Finland 1998-2002 Historiographer of City of 2002-2006 Various research/teaching professions at 2003-2006 Chief editor for Tiedepolitiikka (Journal for Science & Politics) 2007 Invited visiting fellow at Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies
Several positions in various student organizations and in the Student Union of the
1991-2005 Member of the historic committee of the City of 1986 Member of the International Planning History Group 2000- Chair for scientific delegation at Finnish History Days in 1999-2005 Founder and President for Finnish Urban Research Society 2004- Member of the direction for Centre of Rural Studies at the University Helsinki 2003- 2010 Scientific member in the Committee of translation for Finnish non-fiction literature in Swedish
2007-2009 Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Arts 2006-2009 Member of the Department Council of the Department of History 2008 -2009 Member of the of the university collegium 2008 - Founding member and member of the steering group of Master’s programme of European Studies, 2010 - Member of the Department Council at the Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies
2000 Conference Convenor, 9th Conference of International Planning History Society 2000- Council Member of the International Planning History Society 2007- Chair, network for university historians in 2007- Member of National Biography committee (SKS) 2007- Member of the international editorial board of Planning Perspectives 2007-2010 President of the International Planning History Society 2010- Member of the Board planning Studia Generalia at the University of Helsinki
1982-1991 Board member of the Helsinki Association 1993- Board member of the 1987 Member of the board of the Finnish Swedish Society 1994-2002 Member of the board of the Finnish Swedish Cultural Center, Hanasaari 1996-2000 Member of 2000-2006 Chair of the Finnish National Committee of the European 2000-2005 President for summer music festival Sysmän Suvisoitto 2002- European Cultural Foundation, member of the advisory board 2000- Board member for 1999-2000 Member of the working group for “Helsinki Forum” – 2006- Member of the Title Board, chaired by the Prime Minister 2006- Member of The State Committee for Public Information, (vice chair) 2003- Member of the City Council of 2005 – 2008 Member of the city planning board, 2008- 2010 Member of Maabrändivaltuuskunta, chaired by Minister of Foreign Affairs 2008 - Member of the delegation of Paasikivi Society 2009 - Member of the board of the Port of Helsinki 2010 - Inspector of the student organization Eteläsuomalainen osakunta 2011 - Member of Church Council at Tuomiokirkkoseurakunta 2011 - Member of the Board of Directors of Yleisradio, national radio- and telvesion company in Finland
Working abroad
1995: received decoration of Commandeur de Orde van Oranje-Nassau in the Netherlands 2000: received decoration of Knighthood of I Class, The Order of White Rose in Finland
Most important scientific honours
Research member of Finnish Historical Society 1995 International Planning History Society, Conference Governor 2000 Tieto-Finlandia - honorary prize for fiction literature 1991 Historian Ystäväin Liitto, The History Book of the Year 1996 - prize Honorary medal, Student Union at the Member of Societas Scientiarum Fennica 2005 – State Award for Public Information 2006 (for being chair editor for Finnish Cultural History I-V)
Visits in foreign universities and institutions
Scientific course Villa Lante, Rome 1.2.-30.5.1980 Visiting younger scholar Visiting younger scholar Universitet van Amsterdam, history, spring 1992 Visiting teacher, Joensuun yliopisto, historian laitos 4. – 10.4.2003 Visiting teacher, Ludvig-Maximilan Universität, München, fennougristiikan laitos, 2.5. – 20.5.2003 (CIMO)
Scientific books (monographs)
Kulosaari - unelma paremmasta tulevaisuudesta (Kulosaari - A Dream of a Better Future), doctoral thesis, 1988
Traditio - murros - jatkuvuus? Helsingin II Normaalikoulu 1869-1994 (Tradition - Crisis - Continuity? A History of the oldest lyceum for girls in Finland), 1994
Sivistyneistön rooli . Helsingin Yliopiston Ylioppilaskunta 1945-1959 (The Role of the Educated Elite, History of the Student Union of the University of Helsinki 1944-1959), 1993
Eliitti, traditio, murros. Helsingin Yliopiston Ylioppilaskunta 1960-1990 (Elite in the Modern Society, History of the Student Union of the University of Helsinki 1960-1990), 1996
Helsinki kasvaa suurkaupungiksi – julkisuus, politiikka, hallinto ja kansalaiset 1945-2000 (Helsinki Becomes a Metropol – The Publicity, Politics, Administration and Citizens). 2002
Yhteistä turvallisuutta rakentamassa. Maanpuolustuskurssiopetuksen –ja yhdistyksen vaiheita 1961-2011 (Creating Common Safety. The History of National Defence Courses and National Defence Society 1961-2011), 2011
Publications intended for the general public
Hotelli Kämp, 1985 (new edition in 1989, 2003)
Kuningatar Kristiina - aikansa eurooppalainen (Queen Christina – A European of Her Time) & M. Klinge, M-L. Nevala, P. Setälä, 1990
Suomen ylioppilas (The Student of Finland) & M. Klinge, 1991
Kreivitär Eva Mannerheim Sparren keittokirja ("Countess Eva Mannerheim Sparre", preface in 6.ed. of the famous cook Baroness Eva Mannerheim Sparre’s cook book, new edition) & A-M. Tanttu, 1995
Alankomaat – pieni suuri maa (The Netherland – a Big Small Country) & A. Gardberg & P. Saukkonen), 1997
Havis Amanda, & H. Nevalainen, 1998
Soi sana kultainen. Maamme-laulun viisitoista vuosikymmentä (Our Land. The 150 year of National Anthem) & R. Valjus & J. Wrede, 1998
Suomi – maa, kansa, kulttuuri (Finland – Its People, Country and Culture) & M. Löytönen, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia 753, 1999
Helsinki – The Dauhgter of Baltic Sea, & M. Klinge, also in Finnish, Swedish, Freanch, German and Russian, 1999, 2 ed. 2007
Onks’ ketään kotona? Kasvatuksen suuntaa etsimässä (Anybody at home? New Paths for Child Education) & K. Järvinen, 2002
Suomen kulttuurihistoria I-V (Cultural History of Finland I-V), Chief Editor L. Kolbe, 2002 – 2006
Oma maa vai maailma? Suomen kulttuurihistoria III (Own Country or the World. Cultural History of Finland III) & A. Kervanto Nevanlinna, 2003
Kaupungissa kasvanut. Ajasta, kaipuusta, muistoista, häpeästä, (Grown in the City: on Time, Memory, Longing), 2005
Portraying Finland. Facts and Insights. Chief Editor. 2005, 2 ed, 2008, also in French, German, Spanish
Unelmien Helsinki – kadut ja korttelit kertovat (Helsinki – A Dream City), Helsinki: Minerva, 2007
Luokkaretkellä hyvinvointiyhteiskunnassa (Class Journey and Welfare Society), 2007, & K. Järvinen
Helsinki 1918; pääkaupunki ja sota (Helsinki in 1918: Capital City and Civil War), & S. Nyström, 2008
Helsinki City Hall: History and Fine Food, &. P. Puhakka, 2008
Dittmar & Indrenius 110. Asianajotoimisto suomalaisen liike-elämän kumppanina. Toimituskunnan puheenjohtaja L. Kolbe, Helsinki, 2009
Ihanuuksien ihmemaa – suomalaisen itseymmärryksen jäljillä, 2010
Educational video cassettes
“Suomalainen eurooppalainen” Tietävä ihminen –videosarja 7. Painatuskeskus, Helsinki, 1994
"Tieteen uudet tuulet" (“New Questions and Actualities in History Research”) Historiantutkimuksen uudelleenarviointi, Educational cassette, University of Helsinki, Lahden tutkimus- ja koulutuskeskus, 1995.
The manuscript for a www-portal for Finnish Tourism and Culture, Ministry of Education and Board for Finnish Tourism/Evergreen, manus, 2002
Member of Country Branding Group in Finland 2009-2010, planning its publication (maabärndiraportti 22.11.2010) Consider it solved! Tehtävä Suomelle! Miten Suomi ratkaisee mailman viheliaisimpiä ongelmia.
Over 300 popular scientific articles as well as TV- programmes relating especially to urban, social, academic history and mentalities, schools and student life, middle class family life and values, The Mannerheim family and its history, housing and planning history, women’s history and Finland’s position and national identity in the Scandinavian and European context.
A columnist for several Finnish daily newspapers * Uusi Suomi 1991-1993 * Ilta-Sanomat 1993-1995 * Kaleva 2003 – * Suomen Lääkärilehti 2005 - * Ylioppilaslehti, Yliopisto –lehti, Hufvudstadsbladet, Keskisuomalainen etc.